Learning From Home
Classroom teachers will post remote learning assignments here each week. Select your child's grade from the menu at left for more information.

Graphic of laptop with text that reads Laptop Help Now Available
Student Laptop Support

Students and families with questions about or needing help with their SPS-issued laptop can now reach out to the SPS IT Department via Microsoft Teams. The Student Help Desk can be accessed from a cellphone or computer:

FROM A CELLPHONE: The Student Help Desk can be accessed by downloading the free MS Teams app from the iOS App Store or the Android Play Store. Once installed, you can log into the app with the student’s SPS email address and password (the same you use for logging into PowerSchool Unified Classroom).

FROM A COMPUTER: From a computer, simply go to www.office.com and sign-in with the student’s SPS email address and password (the same you use for logging into PowerSchool Unified Classroom). Once logged in, click the “Teams” icon from the list of applications. 

Once in Teams, select the “Student Help Desk” team and post a question in the chat. Members of the IT Department are monitoring the chat during school hours and will respond to questions; and, when possible, remotely resolve issues with a device.  

REMINDER: Posts to the Student Help Desk should be polite and appropriate at all times. Posting inappropriate messages will result in loss of access to the Student Help Desk.